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The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

This committee ceased to exist as of 1/1/2016.

It was established on June 25, 2012 by the Town Council as follows:

Creation of a Broad Based Citizen Group to Prepare a Current Comprehensive Community Plan for Submission to the Appropriate State Agencies on or Before the 2014 Due Date 
a. Town Solicitor - Proposed Enabling Resolution
Councilor Leonard requested the Solicitor prepare a resolution to address the upcoming update of the Comp. Plan. Membership lists the Town Planner, not an endorsement, just wanted to get in front.

Councilor Leonard made a motion, seconded by Councilor Roderick to adopt the Resolution Establishing The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee as drafted. Motion passed unanimously.

The Resolution was as follows:

Town of Tiverton - Resolution Establishing The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee
WHEREAS, the Tiverton Comprehensive Community Plan (the “Plan”) is due for an update Amendment by 2114; and
WHEREAS, Rhode Island General Laws 45-22.2-8(a) (3) (ii) requires “citizen participation through the dissemination of information to the public and solicitation of both written and oral comments during the preparation of the plan,” and

WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to make the process as inclusive as possible, so that the Amendment to the Plan can best express the wishes of the people of Tiverton as to how and where the Town should develop and grow over the next two decades:
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Town Council of Tiverton that the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (“Committee”) is hereby established and organized as follows:       
1.         Purpose
            The purpose of the Committee shall be to provide the required citizen participation in the Plan amendment process and advise the Planning Board in the drafting of the Amendment and further advise the Planning Board and Town Council in the timely adoption of such Amendment. 
2.         Membership  
            All members of the Committee shall be electors of the Town, unless serving ex-officio or as staff (including legal advisors or planning consultants) to the Committee. The membership of the Committee shall be composed of:
a.                   The Town Planner
b.                  The  Administrative Officer
c.                   The Chair (or designee) of the Planning Board and two other members of the Planning Board appointed by the Planning Board
d.                  The Chair (or designee) of the Conservation Commission
e.                   The Chair (or designee) of the Harbor and Coastal Waters Commission
f.                   The Chair (or designee) of the Wastewater Management Commission
g.                  The Chair (or designee) of the Open Space Committee
h.                  The Chair (or designee) of the Economic Development Committee
i.                    The Town Administrator (ex-officio)
j.                    Two Members of the Town Council, appointed by the Town Council (ex-officio)
k.                  Members to be appointed by the Town Council from the public, as set forth below:
                                                        i.            Applications shall be solicited widely through print and electronic media.
                                                       ii.            Applicants will be requested to identify their experience and their preference for a particular subcommittee, as set forth below.
                                                     iii.            Anyone who applies shall be appointed to the Committee.
                                                     iv.            The Town Planner, Administrative Officer, Chairman of the Planning Board, the Town Administrator, and the two Town Council members shall serve as an executive subcommittee, and shall assign members to specific subcommittees.
3.         Subcommittees
In addition to the Executive Subcommittee, subcommittees shall be created for each of the required elements of the Plan, as follows:
a.                   Natural resource identification and conservation.
b.                  Open space and outdoor recreation identification and protection.
c.                   Historical and cultural resources identification and protection.
d.                  Housing, include an affordable housing program.
e.                   Economic development.
f.                   Services and facilities.
g.                  Circulation/Transportation.
h.                  Natural hazards.
i.                    Land use.
j.                    Implementation program.
k.                  Any other subcommittee created by the Executive Subcommittee.

4.         The Town Council shall appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair and a Secretary.  The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or Vice-Chair.  The Committee and all subcommittees shall each be deemed a public body and subject to all requirements of the Open Meetings Act and the Access to Public Records Act.
5.         The Committee shall report at least quarterly to the Town Council, setting forth its achievements, projects and goals.
6.         The Committee shall cease to exist on January 1, 2015.